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God's Church - Prophecy in Motion PDF Print E-mail
Written by C. Elden McNabb   
Friday, 31 July 2009 14:09
Article Index
God's Church - Prophecy in Motion
The Acts of the Apostles
God's Church
A Predominant Theme
The Glorious Temple
Calling the Generations
The Signs of the End
The Tomlinson Phenomenom
The Word Creates
The Wells
The Second Gentile Anointed
That Man of Sin
Seventy Years of Desolation
All Pages


To believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God is the first step toward a personal relationship with God (Acts 8:26-38).  Many things are said about our redemption in the Holy Scriptures.  However, there is a far greater volume that is written about “the plan of God,” from the beginning to the end.

All of it is important, but it is the first six thousand years from the creation of Adam which should be our greatest concern at this time.  God created mankind, male and female, and they fell from His will and His favor.  The Son of God has come and died on the cross to provide for the redemption of mankind, and restore us to immortality.

In the creation of Eve, God revealed much of what mankind is really all about.  The narrative of her creation prophesies of the coming of the “Son of God,” and of His death, and the piercing of His side to “Purchase the Church of God [The Bride] with His own blood” (Gen. 2:18-24; Acts 20:28).

From about two thousand B.C., until Jesus died on the cross, God used the descendants of Abraham to prophesy of the coming events of the Grace Age.  He finished that era with a wonderful manifestation of His power.  He gave eternal life to the believers, and chose a special group of them to be His Church: the Bride, and blessed them with “Glory, Honor, and Peace” (Acts 4:33-Acts 5:14; Rom. 2:5-10).

The Bride of Christ is prophesied of many times in the Old Testament.  Those prophecies even tell us how many leaders would be anointed of God to lead the Jewish Church, in that first century, and the Gentile Church in this last century of the Grace Age.


Both the Old and New Testaments, point out the fact that the Bride will consists of two groups of 144,000; one Jewish group in the first century A.D., and a Gentile group in this early twenty first century.  Together they will make up the “Heavenly Jerusalem” (Rev. 7:1-9; Rev. 14:1-5 and Rev. 21:1-21).  The fulfillment of those many prophecies of the Jewish Church culminated in its perfection in about A. D. forty, under the leadership of the Apostle Peter.

In the beginning of the 20th century, God raised up the prophet A. J. Tomlinson, His fourth anointed in the Church Age, to begin the building of the Gentile Church.  He began the fulfillment of a series of prophecies which identify the work of that ministry all the way to the coming of the Bridegroom.

The time has come, and the building of the Gentile church is under way.  Even now, the cry is being made, “Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him” (Matt. 25:6).  Let us go, and “save” ourselves from this rebellious generation of Christians (Acts 2:40; Zeph. 2:1-3).

Last Updated on Friday, 14 August 2009 12:00
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