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From the Editor PDF Print E-mail
Written by David McNabb   
Friday, 27 February 2009 00:00

We come to you once again in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  My heart is light and there is a spring in my step, for it is beautiful to walk in the steps of the Savior!  Though the world is troubled with financial, social and political perplexities, mankind has the opportunity to find a solid footing on the Rock of Ages.  Our God, who never changes, is faithful.  As King David penned, “The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower” (Psalm 18:2).  I love to proclaim, with the words of Ruth Jones’ wonderful hymn, “In times like these I have a Saviour, In times like these, I have an anchor; I’m very sure, I’m very sure, My anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!”

It is this message that we need today: not that believers in the Lord Jesus will avoid the troublous times, but that those who rest in the Lord, and trust and obey His word, will experience His deliverance.

To that end, we continue to work.  Whether in meetings at our various houses of worship, in teleconference Bible studies, on the Internet, or in this printed publication, we desire to share the gospel of the Kingdom while there is still time to do so.  As we have mentioned in the past couple issues, we continue to work to expand and enhance our online presence.  God is blessing us in that medium, and we continue to have a global effect.  Also, work progresses to get some of our literature into Spanish.  Praise the name of the Lord!

About five or six months ago, we obtained a new Bizhub C353 color copier/printer, which also has the capability to fold and staple.  This new machine made it easier to expand our printing and also enhanced the quality of The Bible Guys’ look and feel.  Since we purchased that machine, our distribution increased from 800 to 1700 last month.  As we prepared this edition, we felt the leading of the Lord to go even further.  The Lord made it possible to get a larger, much faster Bizhub C6500 in addition to the other machine.  With the added capacity and speed, we will increase our distribution to 6700 with this current issue, and anticipate more growth in the ensuing months.  Time is short, and we must redeem the time (use it to accomplish the work of the Lord as much as is possible), for the days are evil

Locally, we continue to visit churches, and were recently invited to sing at Paden’s biweekly Gospel singing.  Our congregation was happy to participate, and sing praises to our great God, professing our faith before all.

Whether globally, nationally, regionally or locally, we have a responsibility to share the truth of God, and proclaim it unto all.  Many may reject it, others may mock, but we must declare to all that Jesus Christ is coming soon!  The way must be prepared, and God’s people must wake up, and prepare to meet the Bridegroom! AMEN!

Last Updated on Tuesday, 23 June 2009 22:14
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