Greetings brothers, sisters and friends in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I give thanks to the Lord at all times for His many blessings, and for His great grace. Time races ahead, and new calendars now hang on our walls, reminding me that a year has now passed since we moved to Oklahoma. God has truly favored our undertakings, and established us in our new surroundings. At every turn, I have seen the provision of God, and His guiding hand. As each day passes, I am more assured that we are nearing the return of our Lord, and of our need to trust Him and rest in His tender mercies. This month also brings a new resident to the White House: President Barack Obama. Let us, with this new administration, remember to heed Paul’s admonition to Timothy, "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth" (1 Timothy 2:1-4).
We continue to work on our Internet presence. Last month we started a social networking website at Visitors can read posts, use Bible tools to search for Scriptures or get definitions, get current news of interest to believers, and register on the site. Registered members can personalize their page, post blogs, start and participate in forum discussions, upload pictures and videos, chat with other members online, and take advantage of a variety of other features. There are also Spanish and Russian sections on the site, offering the same features, including Bible tools and news in each language. I want to encourage you to take a look, and feel free to take part in our network. Meanwhile, Brother Larry Danko has been reconstructing our main, informational site at A majority of the work to build and test the new site has been done, and it appears we are in the final stages of initial development. I am hoping to replace the current format with the new one before the February Bible Guys comes out. It will have a new look and feel, and will contain our extensive library of literature, as well as several other new features. It is a very exciting time for The People of Truth Online! Thank God for this technology. We are also happy to have Arturo Linaldi and his family with us in Oklahoma. They moved from the Orlando area to Paden in December, and we are now hard at work on the translation of our literature into Spanish. As we go to print, Brother Linaldi is in Mexico, and we are looking for God to open more doors for the work in that country as well. We still have a presence in Florida, however, as Arturo’s brother Jaime, and his family, have joined the People of Truth, and are continuing to teach the truth of God’s word there. We continue to pray for God’s guidance in the lives of His people, and for us all to have willing hearts to do His will and His work. God bless you all. |