From the Editor
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Praise the Lord of the heavens and the earth! I want to especially thank Him this month for His presence in my life. In lieu of the terrorist attacks on our nation September 11th, I just bless the name of the Lord, in that He has saved me and I know that He is ruling in the affairs of men. So many today have no answers for life's troubles. They are confused, depressed, worried, scared and angry. Life in Christ is the only thing that brings true peace. I have no fear for tomorrow - or today for that matter - because I trust God. He has given me all that I have, and has proven to me time and again that He watches over me.
As I write this to you, I am confident that many of you share this testimony with me. If there be any reading this that have not yet received Christ into your heart, and have not yet experienced His love, joy and peace, open up to Him right now. The Apostle Paul told us to humble ourselves before God, casting all of our cares (troubles, worries, problems) upon Him, because He cares for us. The Lord says to you right now, "Come unto Me and I will give you rest." Let Him. Believe in Jesus with your heart and confess your faith with your mouth and you shall be saved.
In preparation for our upcoming Feast of Ingathering (Oct. 4-7), this month's issue deals with "The Harvest." The schedule of the feast will be: Worship services Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings at 7:30, and Sunday morning at 10:00. There will also be Bible Study sessions both Friday and Saturday at 10:00 a.m. with a break for lunch around noon, and resuming at 2:00 p.m. All meetings are open to all who wish to attend. Come, and be prepared to bless and be blessed. We look forward to seeing you!
We have a new edition to The Bible Guys staff. Bro. Walter Fleury, who not long ago joined our congregation with his wife Abby, has been feeling the need to write. Having converted to Christianity from Judaism, he has brought a different perspective to our Bible studies, and I know he will bless you even as he has us.
Even though we see things in the world getting worse and worse, I am excited because the Bible shows that God will gather His people in troublous times. Let's watch and be sober, yes, however our focus must not be on the trouble, but on the work of God. Seek His face and enquire, "God, what must I do to do the work of God?" May the Lord give thee light.
David M. McNabb
Editor & Bible Guy