A Peculiar People, A Holy Nation
Many, many years ago, in
Haran, there dwelt a man
named Terah who had
three sons: Abram, Nahor
and Haran. The people of
that day worshiped idols, having
gods for everything. According to
tradition, Terah and his family even
made their living by manufacturing
the idols that the people worshiped. In the midst of this wicked and
idolatrous people, the Lord God
called out to Terah's son Abram,
saying, "Get thee out of thy country,
and from thy kindred, and from thy
father's house, unto a land that I will
show thee: And I will make of thee a
great nation, and I will bless thee,
and make thy name great; and thou
shalt be a blessing: And I will bless
them that bless thee, and curse him
that curseth thee: and in thee shall all
families of the earth be blessed."
(Gen. 12:1-3) Later, God changed
his name from Abram (meaning high
father) to Abraham (father of a
multitude), and promised him, "I will
make thee exceeding fruitful, and I
will make nations of thee, and kings
shall come out of thee." (Gen. 17:6)
This Abraham did not waver in his
faith in God. He knew that God
would fulfil every promise, and
followed him even when it seemed
impossible. Abraham did indeed become the
father of many nations. His eldest
son, Ishmael, was promised to
become a great nation and beget 12
princes of his own. By Keturah,
whom he took to wife after Sarah's
death, he had six more sons: one of
whom was Midian, the father of the
Midianites. But it was of Isaac, whom he
begat by his wife Sarah, that God
said, "I will establish my covenant
with him for an everlasting covenant,
and with his seed after him." Isaac's wife Rebekah conceived,
and carried twins. The Lord said
unto her, "Two nations are in thy
womb, and two manner of people
shall be separated from thy bowels;
and the one people shall be stronger
than the other people; and the elder
shall serve the younger." (Gen.
25:23) The Lord had chosen Jacob
over Esau, even before they had been
born. Jacob got the birthright and
the blessing. Esau became the father
of the Edomites. The Lord called Jacob's name
Israel, "Prince of God." The Lord
had raised up many nations from the
descendants of Abraham, and was
now raising up the nation of promise. During a great famine, God
placed one of Israel's sons, Joseph,
in a position to deliver all the people
from certain death by starvation.
The small nation of Israel, 70 souls
besides Jacob's sons' wives, were
brought into Egypt and dwelt in
Goshen. Once again this peculiar
nation, with their belief in one all-powerful, unseen, Most High God
found themselves among polytheistic
heathens. In the process of time, the
Israelites grew and prospered and a
king arose in Egypt that didn't know
Joseph's role in the deliverance of
their nation. He persecuted the
children of Israel, and the Lord
raised up a prophet of the tribe of
Levi named Moses. Although raised
as a prince in Egypt, he forsook the
wealth of that land, and accepted the
will of God. He was used to plague
Egypt, and to deliver his people from
bondage. Moses brought the people to
mount Sinai. When he went up unto
God on the mountain, the Lord said,
"Thus shalt thou say to the house of
Jacob, and tell the children of Israel;
Ye have seen what I did unto the
Egyptians, and how I bare you on
eagles' wings, and brought you unto
myself. Now therefore, if ye will
obey my voice indeed, and keep my
covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar
treasure unto me above all people:
for all the earth is mine: And ye
shall be unto me a kingdom of
priests, and an holy nation. These
are the words which thou shalt speak
unto the children of Israel." Except for brief moments in its
troubled history, the people of Israel,
who conquered the promised land of
Canaan, failed to meet the
requirements of God. They were
plagued with idolatry and doubt,
temptation and transgression. They
mixed with the surrounding nations
and adopted their beliefs. The
kingdom was divided into the
kingdoms of Israel and Judah, and
eventually both kingdoms were
conquered and enslaved or scattered.
The nation that Abraham had desired
- the peculiar people, the holy nation
- was hardly realized. Throughout the years, God raised
up judges and prophets to set the
nation straight. Sometimes the
people heeded God's messengers,
but more often they did not. Then,
God did a new thing. God sent a new prophet. A great
prophet. A deliverer. God sent His
own Son, Jesus. Jesus preached, "Repent! For the
kingdom of God is at hand." He
taught repentance and redemption.
He declared that one must be "born
again" to see the kingdom of God,
and, by His death and resurrection,
provided the way for this new birth.
To natural Israel, which had failed to
become the holy nation God had
foretold, Jesus said, "The kingdom of
God shall be taken from you, and
given to a nation bringing forth the
fruits thereof." (Matt. 21:43) The
disciples of Christ, having become
new creatures in Him through
redemption by His blood, fulfilled
Jesus' words. The apostle Peter, writing to the
Christian Elect, declared boldly, "But
ye are a chosen generation, a royal
priesthood, an holy nation, a
peculiar people; that ye should show
forth the praises of him who hath
called you out of darkness into His
marvelous light: Which in time past
were not a people, but are now the
people of God: which had not
obtained mercy, but now have
obtained mercy." (1 Pet. 2:9-10) In the years after Jesus'
resurrection and ascension, a group
of believers rose up to fulfil the will
of God. They had succeeded, by the
blood of Christ, where natural Israel
had failed: obeying God's voice and
keeping His covenant - becoming the
nation bringing forth the fruits of the
kingdom. Towards the end of the first
century a.d., early signs of decline
began to appear among the believers.
The Apostle Paul prophesied, saying,
"For I know this, that after my
departing shall grievous wolves enter
in among you, not sparing the flock.
Also of your own selves shall men
arise, speaking perverse things, to
draw away disciples after them.
Therefore watch, and remember, that
by the space of three years I ceased
not to warn every one night and day
with tears." (Acts 20:29-31) By the time of the ministry of
Jude, Paul's words had come to pass.
Jude's epistle describes the problem.
"For there are certain men crept in
unawares, who were before of old
ordained to this condemnation,
ungodly men, turning the grace of
our God into lasciviousness, and
denying the only Lord God, and our
Lord Jesus Christ." (Jude 1:4) By 325 a.d., when Emperor
Constantine declared the
"conversion" of the Roman empire,
apostasy had fully set in. From then
until now, reformers arose to set the
Christians back on the right track.
Men like John Huss, Martin Luther,
John Wesley, and others fought,
some unto death, for the faith against
the "mainstream." In 1896, in North Carolina, the
Holy Ghost was poured out on a
group of holiness Christians. In
1903, under the direction of A. J.
Tomlinson, that group became the
Church of God. By the Churches of
God, through the ministries of Bro.
Tomlinson, his son Milton
Tomlinson, and Grady Kent, the
Lord has shown that He is preparing
to restore a group like the early
Church: a peculiar people, a holy
nation. In 1972, Bro. Eldon McNabb
was led by God to begin a new
movement. At that time, it was
known as The Kingdom of God. In
1981, the Lord dealt with us to
rename the movement The People of
Truth. Today, we continue to seek
God's will and His word to be that
people - a peculiar people - striving
to serve Him, without spot or wrinkle
or any such thing. It is our greatest
desire to partake of the fulfillment of
God's promise to have for Himself a
holy nation on the earth. This will we do if God permit.
Amen.By C. Eldon McNabb