
That man (2)
Astonish (3)
Writer of prose (4)
Go in (5)
Opposite of off (2)
Title used for Ezekiel, Jesus, et al. (8)
10 Body of water (3)
12 Beloning to me (2)
13 Falsehood (3)
14 Men and ________ (8)
15 Garments (7)
17 Plain in Hebron where Abram dwelt (5)
18 Beast of burden (2)
19 Bartering (7)
21 Obtain (7)
22 Creature of Job 40:15 (8)
23 Isaac's son (4)
24 Mother's sister (4)
26 Employ (3)
27 Shackle or chain (6)


The Holy Ghost (21)
Fifth book of New Testament (17)
Evil spirits (6)
Well spoken (8)
Father of two apostles (7)
11 Every (4)
12 Judas Iscariot's replacement (8)
13 Light source (4)
16 Therefore (2)
20 Something created (8)
25 Opposite of down (2)


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