News Brief
Unitarians to consider adding “God” to beliefs

When the Universalist Unitarian Church compiled its current statement of principles in 1984, a special effort was made to be “all-inclusive” with one exception: God. 

Their statement, which was approved that year, affirms such things as “the inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice, equity and compassion in human relations; acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations; a free and responsible search for truth and meaning and the right of conscience.”  A belief in God (or even an acknowledgment of His existence), however, was not mentioned at all.

The current president, William Sinkford, a former atheist, is seeking to add “God” to the denomation’s principles.  He believes that adding “God” would help attract members and would also increase the denomination’s influence in world affairs.

Opponents to Sinkford’s efforts claim that adding “God” to its principles would make it a “creedal denomination.”  Sinkford acknowledged that in the diverse denomination – which encompasses liberal Christians, pagans, Wiccans, religious humanists and world religionists and ordains gays and lesbians – might be uncomfortable using the word “God.”

The topic will be taken up during the organization’s national convention in June.  There they will decide whether or not to draw nigh to God with their mouths, but one thing is certainly not up for discussion:  the heart of their organization will remain far from Him.